Thursday, April 29, 2004

All My Bags Are Packed and Ready To Go


I'm leaving on a jet it may get abit quiet around here!

Most people asked me, "So Val, what's the first thing you're gonna do when you get to London?"

Answer : I'm gonna eat & eat & eat!! First stop, Hampstead Crepes and a Tall Latte!

Just a quick note to a certain few ppl :-

  1. M & S, see you two at prayer meet 5.30pm on Friday ...
  2. Joey kangaroo, I'm back to haunt you!!
  3. Jules, get ready to exchange live journals on Monday!!


Ahem...Drum rolls please....

This is officially to hereby announce that the mouth watering Haggan Dazs Picture you see on the top left corner of the page is courtesy of Mr. Joseph Yap or better know as Joey the Roo of

Nah joey boy, hope you are happy now that I have given you your proper well-deserved creditlar!