Thursday, June 03, 2004

So Here I am to Worship, Here I am to Bow Down..

Ministry isnt pretty..

These 3 words are indeed so real to me. I've heard the exact same 3 words 3 times this week.

God however is pretty. Everything about Him is. And therefore, all I can do or say in the times where my faith and hope are shaken is to look at His LOVE - for love is the greatest of them all!

And I'll never know how much it cost to see my sin upon that cross.........

AT THE FOOT OF THE CROSS (by Tre Sheppard)

At the foot of the cross
Where I kneel in adoration
And I'll lay my burdens down
I exchange all my sins for the promise of savlation
And your name across my brow
At the foot of the cross
I give up my vain ambitions
And I leave my selfish pride
In the peace that is there you restore my vision on the places I am blind
I will wait here at the cross
I will wait here at the cross
At the foot of the cross
There is healing for this nation
There is rest for those who wait
And the love that we find is the hope of all creation
We are stunned by what You gave
We will wait at your cross
A hungry generation
And all our broken hearts and lives
Will u hear?
Will u come?
You fill our desperation
O God let this be the time
We will wait here at the cross
We will wait here at the cross