Thursday, October 28, 2004

Birmingham A Safe Haven For A Depleted Soul

Half term for schools here this week so did not have to go in to schools. No fighting! Yay!

So what have I been doing?

Surprisingly - A WHOLE LOT MORE WORK!

Detailing it would be a chore on its own but when Thursday came, I was just happy to breathe. The weather in the West Midlands has been playing us for fools. It may be bright and sunny outside but it sure isn't anywhere above 9 degrees! It has been raining intermittently too in the evenings...get the picture right? Yeah....dreary & cold!

My day off yesterday - I had to get into a REAL city! The nearest one was Birmingham or Brum as the locals call it. Think I realised how easy it is to get entangled with WORK that even when you are at home, your brain just engages you into planning the next day or you end up processing thoughts relating to work during those times you are meant to rest.

Birmingham is a great place for a Ragamuffin! I will give it a 4 star rating as a place for a good chill out & solitude!

Recently I have been worried about my mission work. Financially, I was uncertain if I could raise enough funds by July. Emotionally, I was uncertain if I could cope with the nature of the work. Spiritually, I was depleted & running on empty but not re-fueling.

Two days have gone by and PEOPLE POWER (the right kind) can be a great source of refreshment & strength.

Bert & Phan are two of my friends in Birmingham who are crazy enough to put up with me & share in my passion for youth work! In fact, they get me inspired everytime we meet up!

Bert & Phan, meeting up & staying over was what my soul needed. A safe resting place for a ragamuffin constantly living under grace. And you are the two people who totally understand what it is like here because you too are in the "heat" of things. And as Bert says, he is learning to raise sheep here in the UK...and I am too with the knowledge that wolves are about.

Life in abundance only comes through GREAT LOVE...

So back i enter into a city in need of a Saviour.....

An encouragement from a wise man who once went before me, someone who was bold enough to take risks (in faith) for the God He loved & the people he loved :-

"Depend on it. God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supply. He is too wise a God to frustrate His purposes for lack of funds, and He can just as easily supply them ahead of time as afterwards, and He much prefers doing so." - Hudson Taylor-