Saturday, October 02, 2004

Its Great To Be Back In SIB!

I really missed church eventhough I've only been away for 1 month!! What more could a year do??!!

Today I stepped into Level 4 of CP Tower - there was a BAZAAR going on with sale of clothes, houseware, paintings & soft toys etc...Man, could just catch the spirit of this church once again. God was deifinitely in the house alright! The proceeds were actually going to BLESS MINISTRY not our church building fund as I thought...Bless Ministry is the community work arm of SIB , where they show love to the poor, handicapped, elderly, orphans in the community...I'm really touched to see the aunties from our church , rather the ladies taking time out to put this together as a fund raising effort in order to BLESS others less fortunate than us!

By the way, I was only breezing through the pathway of the Bazaar to get to the church admin office to meet my Senior Pastor and to say hello to all my wonderful friends at the chuch office - so great to hear Kay's trademark laughter, Lindy's crazy voice, seeing Andy fiddling with his computer as usual - and playing songs on his ITunes, Sharon cracking her brain with the Drunk Before Dawn musical, Esther folding and preparing the service sheets and Ann running around as busy as a bee , as usual! I really do miss my church!! Good to hear stories from them about the people they disciple and lead and what more to fill me in on wat I've actually missed out in the past month - it seems like i've been away for years!! 4 of my friends have now been attending SIB since Praise Nite, 3 of them in my cell and 1 of them who accepted Christ 3 weeks ago in SIB!! GOD REALLY ROCKS!! He works wonders in linkign people up and in really encouraging us as a church to really build his kingdom & provide a spiritual home for Christians!! I wish I could just re-tell all they have been sharing with me about God's goodness and HIs working in so many individuals much joy in impacting lives of this generation! This is indeed the work God has called us to do!

I miss my church not because of the activities or events! I miss my church because of the spirit of the church , the vision of the church, the hearts of the people in the church and the corporate call to build God's kingdom by impacting our generation in this day and age!

Going off to cell group tonight and I'm already looking forward to fellowshiping with my cell & to the sharing of lives with all these new additions to my cell..May God be glorified in all we do and may we indeed seek only to live this life on earth for Him and Him alone!