Monday, July 24, 2006

The importance of celebrating..

I couldn't really sleep I kinda kept awake and I read 1 Peter from the Bible. I have been thinking alot about "trials" and " areas of testing". I think for every Christian, our understanding of trials as kinda pivotal in our walk with God. Most understand that trials are necessary so we learn and grow. But, is that it? I mean really, really, is that it?

I was thinking today as I looked on my own journey with God, and as I share discretely tonight here about a conversation I had with a friend just an hour ago who was going thru what I would consider a trial. I guess the best thing is to listen. But really, after that what next? What does one say to another friend who's going through a trial or a difficult time? Do we just say hey - trials are necessary so you learn and grow? Is that really understanding what trials is?

My mentor told me a very long time ago that 1 Peter was his favourite book and its a book he memorises time and time again, because in understanding 1 Peter, we are totally geared in our walk and faith. I guess at the back of my mind I am aware that when people talk about trials, okay - go refer to 1 Peter. Tonight, I thought I'll read it a couple of times cos that question and issue really bugged me with my friend..I asked myself hmm, If I was going through a very difficult trial, what is the first thing I need to know besides the obvious learning and growing.

I guess for me, I always feel to really understand something, the best thing is always to formulate and ask a question, and it is key to ask the right question. Maybe this question doesn't seem relevant to most people but personally this is what I asked myself , what will i call a trial in my life, what are things that will classify as trials? Are trials simply just things that I seem to find difficulty in doing or when I go through situations that upset me and I'm not happy about or things that make me angry?

Surprisingly, I found the answer to that rather random question in 1 Peter. Reading 1 Peter helped me with this, and maybe helped me put things into perspective with my friend to really know how I could journey through this time with her. It was a simple truth : The right question is to always ask "what is the right theology". Did I get my theology right? Basic first step for me is to recognise that trials are not man made. Trials are God planned and He permits it. There is nothing "I" can do to change it. So, it isn't about me trying all kinds of methods to get out of a situation or a trial because it is God planned. The only element is trust and dependency. Then reading further into 1 Peter, how can I trust and depend on God - on what basis - what else do I need to know? Ok..I know I sound quite silly asking these kind of basic questions but in asking the basics, I discovered a buzzing truth today. So on what basis and what else do I need to know? 1 Peter clearly tells us that trials always have a purpose - there is always a purpose and its always only for a season. That purpose is God's divine character building in us and the season is always one of God breaking us to the point of surrendered dependency on Him. Yes, the breaking is good and the pain is something we will endure and must go through. God knows how and where to break us. This is so real in my life. And reflecting on it today, I somehow can go "A-ha!" You knew it didn't you God?

So okay, now that I know there is a purpose and its for a season, then what? How - what's the solution? God is very smart, that's why He is a brilliant designer. I was looking for a verse I thought was somewhere in the beginning of 1 Peter so naturally, I would start with chapter 1 right? Yeah, I read it earlier..This time, unintended but ah well God intended probably, it was as if a magnifying glass glued me to certain verses that answers this question on so, whats the solution? how does one respond knowing that yes what I am goin thru has a purpose and is for a season? 1 Pet 1 : 6 - 8 answers brilliantly.." In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials so that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire may be found to praise, honour and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ whom you have not seen you love. Though now you do not see Him, yet believing, you rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory"

That was a big wow for me.

I think when sometimes I am too consumed by what is before me and I dun see a God perspective or even take the time to get my theology right, I end up sorrowful and wallowful. I seek solutions in the reasonable logic of trying to get myself out of it. I do largely use my own strength thinking I know what I'll do. I fail to appreciate that cos this is a trial then that means God is in FULL control of things.

1 Peter taught me the importance of celebrating, and I entitle this entry as that for the very reason that maybe instead of focusing primarily on the pain and difficulty, the key is to look up and rejoice that I am kept by the power of God, and that in celebrating a trial I am learning to give him praise, honour and glory at the revelation of Him, Jesus Christ to these times and circumstances. It is about a revelation of Him, every trial I go through or my friend goes through.

Scripture and the word of God is powerful - it is also so direct, right smack in front of us in print! So I guess, admittedly I'm feeling rather grateful that my understanding has deepened and I'm blogging it as an offer of thanksgiving and praise to Him who opened my spiritual eyes and understanding. Thank you Lord.

1 Peter ends amazingly with a great burst of encouragement to all of us, and points us to God. Written beautifully. Inspired so insightfully.

I Pet 5 : 6 - 11. ( I love verse 10 in particular so will highlight it!)

Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you. Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world. But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you. To Him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen.