Thursday, February 15, 2007

The news so far..

Picking a rather random day to update my posting..while waiting for my laptop that is being serviced at the Apple Centre..(thats another story but its not the Mac, its just me being stupid in messing up my Macbook)

Yes, my first post for 2007 - in the month of February..

So, what did everyone get up to for Valentines? I cooked a very nice rump steak, to my own surprise - the beef was superb and wow, can't imagine my marinade concoction turned out so yummy!! Nothing beats cooking something that turns out so nice and yummy and you get complimented for it too :) Guess the compliment is the bonus or could it be the subtle hint in saying to me cook again or more? :) Oh joy!!

Bits and pieces to update, but mainly that January has just flown by "like that". Time at home in Singapore and KL was fantabulous - eating loads and spending loads (yup, got my sister the black video Ipod and my mom, the new Blackberry!) Refreshing to value how each meal and time spent was precious with my few friends, and thoroughly encouraged being being back in church for that one sunday in SIB.

The preparations for IDMC/IDMF Conferences awaited me upon my immediate return to London as there was alot to do, to catch up with and more importantly to seek God on. Pastor Edmund's time here with us was phenomenally life changing personally for me, not just in what He shared from God's word, but truely from the power of God working in His life. He embraced life with a sense of confidence in His walk with God, and a sense of intimacy. His life is in itself a testimony. The conference tapped into my passion to live for the cause again, to seriously ask myself what is the cause for me, and to re-engage with that passion and dream God birth in me. I believe the most treasured times for the time Ps Edmund was here was the snippets and small moments of conversations he had with me (God knew exactly who was the right person to say certain things to me!!). I had like a spiritual father in that one week, just over table talk - someone who helped me engage and think deeper about the right things yet someone who gave me the space to do it too. I remember the last thing Pastor Ed said to me at the airport, and that really has taken me on a lifetransforming journey of learning like I have never learnt before. For that I am grateful. More so though, I find myself in awe of God's awesome hand in this and God Himself for being so faithful, gracious and extravagant in His love for me.

What did I learn most from IDMC/IDMF? To love Jesus , to really love Jesus.

Someone close to me said, I can't believe you were tearing every session - was it that emotional or moving?? I can only express that I was tearing because I really really miss God, and through the talks or videos I was moved by what a loving God I have, and seeing the lives and testimonies of people from the videos and talks, I believe God has placed all of us here in this world, to give this generation HOPE and to make a difference in lives. Thats what loving Him is all about as well, to do the will of the Father!

Fruits of things the past 2 weeks has encouraged my heart tremendously as a few of us took small steps of faith and obedience to step out of our comfort zones. My heart found kindred spirits in a certain few - people who a growing to be "that certain kind". We felt the importance of developing and walking in PDA lifestyle, and the best way to do it is to be able to share and pray of the many opportunities God brings to us "DAILY" in our conversations with our friends/random people who dont know God yet. The fruits have been encouraging. So seeing that it is CNY, just as we met for coffee last Tuesday - we decided to follow the voice of our hearts to plan for a CNY outreach for Central (my DCG group!) So by Friday, we had to have a plan and in that short time - a combined effort of getting invite cards, programme and publicising it at DCG level including incorporating that whole aspect of PDA in our Bible Studies!! I remember how everyone was talking about PDA by the end of that Friday, amazing how God works. And funnily enough, people DO have stories to share and DO have friends to reach - the difference is that we are all doing it together, growing togehter and sharing God's heart for the lost together!! Its so much easier when you have that support - and you want to just do it so much more!!

So, just to share one story - two days ago, one guy from the DCG had 3 of his PDAs come to Christ in one day!! And he only started actively engaging and walking in PDA lifestyle after IDMF!! When I got the sms, I was like WOW!! God, you rock!

Pray for us this Friday as we use the CNY celebration to CONNECT with OUR WORLD out there. I guess with the post modern world, we believe we have to ENGAGE FIRST and BE RELEVANT before we dash straight into the purely belived God and make a decision now to be christians.

I've learnt our lives must be a walking epistle and people NEED to feel safe with each other...there is always first this need to feel connected! ( be it christian or non christian) People all just want to connect cos once they are disconnected they feel even more lost then they really are. Most people just want to know how to survive life, no longer living it to the potential they should be.

So, yup - that's Friday ( tomorrow) Nite - our live jazz and contemporary music night with loads of food and games. Four of my friends are coming tomorrow , 2 non christian friends of mine from secondary school whom I just bumped into after 8 years of no contact, 2 others who just need to come back to God and connect with others.

Perhaps I should not feel this way but its abit weird and nerve wrecking for me with them coming and then at the end I'm sharing the "talk" (evangelistic type) message to round up the night. Have been wondering if I should be sharing and been stalling alot since initially I asked M to share and we thought he would definitely be a good person to do it. But things didn't seem to down that route with M being on nights this week till Friday morning, guess he will be potentially pretty spaced out. And then there is this other option of getting our speaker for church service on Sunday to do it if need be.

Its thursday afternoon now, and I'm still stalling and praying...guess maybe this is more a step of obedience and faith for me...but I'm so tired. Hardly had a day free to prepare or think especially having daily schedules of work to fulfil and people to meet. I'm so tired..

And today C sends an email out with this verse that struck a strong chord in my core, " 'I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth." (Acts13:47)

So God takes me back to that moment with Him where He gave me a that dream for this generation, and holds me to my word at IDMF about the cause I sign up and am living for. What are you saying to me God?

Do pray for us at Central DCG for Friday Nite, and for CCiL (Chinese Church in London)'s Evangelistic Service on Sunday.