Friday, March 09, 2007


I received a very encouraging email today, and he signed off with the following phrase (of which I am now borrowing!!)

"Don't just do the GOOD THING, do the GOD-THING."

The GOD THING is often OUT of Our Comfort Zone.

I was preparing this morning for this weekend's idmf follow through when I read this email from Singapore. Reminded me of this GOD THING!

Intentional Disciplemaking is more of a culture that needs to be embraced daily, not just a yearly corporate vision of a church and ministry. This makes it the difficult thing, cos it means every person needs to live out this life boldly and daily where everything is about igniting this passion and fire of discipleship. Intentional Disciplemaking to be precise. Guess the idea is not that disciplemaking is something that is "oh yeah, its GOOD" and thats it you hear when people talk about it IF you ask them. But really, intentional disciplemaking is a commission, and mission from God that we are to take seriously cos of the Master...and we boldly live it out wherever we are...through PDA, through growing in the spiritual disciplines and mentoring etc..

I sometimes wish that I had more FAITH to do the GOD THING. And I sometimes wish people see that this is everyone's calling in the church or the ministry. Not just for the Leaders or Pastors. And we need to develop it as a culture not just share it as "this is the vision and direction of the church" and it becomes any other announcement. We drop the word around once in a while kinda thing. But truly live it out, talk about it, preach about it weekly and integrate it within the DCG group study so people CATCH it!!

Yes, I do sometimes wish I had MORE FAITH to do the GOD THING. Its costly, and its always taking me on levels I am uncomfortable being in...and as I prepare for this weekend, it challenges me to go back to basics of knowing the Master, and loving Him. The fire is not ignited because of passion. It is ignited because of the awestruck wonder of loving Him.

A life that knows WHO GOD IS...that trust in His love and He is in total control.

From the IDT reflections I have been receiving and reading, I believe it has spurred me on in this race towards the finishing line..

And doing the GOD THING starts with the simplicity of FAITH and Prayer..

To see as God sees, and Do as God says!