Friday, March 23, 2007

A personal reflection

Before I go off, I thought I'd just share something about this week's reflections...

Friday, 23 March @ 0330 hrs

I used to have a good friend where I'd share deep things with, be it about spiritual things, dreams and passions or just about life. And the word "tender heart" comes to mind often where despite the times we may both feel rather calloused, there is this reminder of our inner core. An inner core that spells- always a place for God. God put the words "tender heart" in my spirit this week as I was resting, recovering from gastric flu. I did a word study on the word "tender" and "heart" and then "tender heart". Reading the context and passages that it was used, it was a WOW for me as the Lord spoke to me through every single scripture I read. The one that impacted me most was from 2 Chronicles 34:27 "Because your heart was tender, and you humbled yourself before God when you heard His words…and wept before Me, I also have heard you,” says the Lord". Why?

I read the context. It was about King Josiah, when he was still a little boy of 8 when he received his tenure as King. Reading the progression from then on how he kept his heart tender for God. He knew his Lord and therefore able to listen to Him and respond in brokenness and obedience to His rebuke. God continued filling Josiah with His grace all the time, and there was always this covenant of renewal.

I was praying for a heart that listens, a heart that is humble, a heart that forgives, a heart that weeps and a heart that obeys after I read this particular passage and especially this verse.

I am seeking God about a pertinent issues of this season. Things I cannot make sense of, and things that may require me to take first baby steps. Part of the reason why I'm going away is also to be able to spend time with the Lord because I believe He is a Covenant Keeping God who will reveal me to His will. The very core of my being is now being placed at a point where the desires, deliberations and decisions all interplay at once. Someone once said that our core is the place of the conscious and decisive spiritual activity. To me, I think the core reflects the most authentic part of a person.

Just looking at Josiah's life, tender hearts are also courageous. I look at myself, and I ask if I am courageous or bold I prepared to cordon of the "what ifs" or just move on in faith in something rather unconventional and leave the "what ifs" to the subconcsious, to people who don't get me and let God settle it. So unchartered territories as it is, I guess this time away would be a good to be have scheduled longer moments with the Lord.

I am encouraged to know the Lord is watching over me. And He knows what I am thinking about. And am glad He put the words "tender heart" into my spirit and the treasured memory of a friendship that is dear to my heart. With that, He spoke to me about what I lost sight of, my inner core - me for who I am when all else is removed. So God, thank you for being real to me, and helping me see just who You are making me to be

I believe it is a word for all of us, isn't it. That our hearts are tender towards Him. The bible so often talks about the condition of our hearts, and God knows exactly that is truly where it everything happens or doesn't happen!!

I know this reflection has talked me OUT of masking the wrongs in my heart, and especially so in the moments I think I have it all together. May we all truly shed tears before the Almighty...and seek after GOD HIMSELF.

A heart that listens
A heart that is humble
A heart that forgives
A heart that weeps
A heart that obeys