Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Global Connections...

"It is not how much you do, but how much love you put in the doing."


pow wow...

i'm global...yup, its beyond a doubt!

Yesterday, we hosted UK's Global Connections meeting in church. I've never seen so many "big names" of Christian mission and their leaders under the same roof gathered because of a shared passion, vision and most important because of the same GOD!

I was working in the office, and when I came down to take a breather, I decided to head to the main hall to sneak into the afternoon meeting briefly. As I sat upstairs at the gallery, being as quiet and as invisible as I possibly could, I found myself seated there for the next hour!! The session I caught dealt with exactly what I've been praying about that very morning about the challenges of Christian mission today especially in engaging this postmodern generation. The aspects of rethinking Christian mission, taking into account the awareness of pluralism, dualism, individualism, sectarianism, professionalism were tapped into. My heart started to beat afresh God's heartbeat for this nation, as I looked down and saw a hall packed with people passionate about God's business, and willing to be teachable to re-learn if need be a different approach of Christian mission in our context today.

Contextualisation is one word God put in my heart this week when I was rethinking and planning a strategy for the development of the next generation ministry here in church. I am also in the midst of preparing for a youth discipleship camp, whereby I am inclined rather strongly to radicalise the way we disciple young people - a more caught than taught approach, a more visual and audio approach, and a more experiential approach. As I continued to rethink and reflect when I heard parts of what was being shared yesterday afternoon, I found God speaking to me in the simplest of ways in my weaknesses and fears about exciting mission with relevance and what is really happening around us ( be it economically, politically or socially!) We see many global changes...even in the weather!

It is time also for global changes in church mission and discipleship!!

I left myself with a question : So what? What is the ruthless reality, Val?
For myself, I believe it is to see the situation and how I can engage the mission heart of a mission God.

Journeys are important...and take it one step further, "Remembering Journeys" are what makes a journey precious!

It is my take that we need to be bringers of HOPE, that hope in Christ - hence alot of us believe in building and participating in this community of HOPE - that wherever we go we take the person and compassion of Christ with us. But, it is also my take that I've learnt just recently that we need to be a community of LEARNING (learners) - cos without a community that is willing to be one who learns, we cannot truly be a community of hope to then become a community of ENGAGEMENT..

As Phil Wall posed this question to me yesterday, when was the last time you took a risk? And he put it in the context of NOT physical risk but more risk in investing in the character of people. He was spot on..I've been walking this tight rope lately and learnt much about the cost involved. It has challenged my thinking, perhaps to think critically I feel is a responsibility we all have. Its this thing I call individualism. And the risk I've been taking is to go against this flow that there is no such thing as an individual calling..but that it is a responsibility for us as a COMMUNITY to journey and believe in our people (churchmates, friends, family) enough in what God wants them to do and encourage and walk alongside them in this pursuit. See them thru their dream! No one individual can sustain alone and flow in his calling without the support, prayer and community of encouratement and kindred spirits. God doesn't work like that...and certainly that is not what he modelled!

Lately, as much as I deny it, I know I have been asking God about directions and what to do about things and where should I go...ANd we all know that, there is no fast and quick answers to BIG questions like that. Let me share with you a perspective I caught : Walk through the door you think is right, and trust God to make it right. He will work it through as you go..

Following Jesus definitely involves a great risk. It is a fact!fact!fact! Here's where we need to embrace the theology of Incarnation, or rather the challenge of John 14 and own it.

A principle isn't a principle unless it is put into practice or applied. It merely becomes a good idea! And I guess, therefore the challenge in following Jesus to be prepared for great risks we need to take at times -- we cannot hedge it, it comes with the territory of our walk!

Indeed may everything we do and who we are take root in the Spirit..

Aside from these reflections, it was a GLOBAL day indeed as I met and caught alot from conversations with these faithful followers and workers of His kingdom. And what's more, I met some familiar faces, and two of whom will be coming to join me for the camp in August! Wonderful network amongst mission minded church leaders and visioners of organisations! Networking is precious and partnership is definitely God's order!

I'm excited Lord and I pray you will help us to be faithful to follow through our principles and convictions, not just leave it as a "good idea"

Living life IN the gap!!