Wednesday, November 25, 2009


He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul” (Psalm 23:2–3).

Somedays, all we have within us is just enough strength to get by - and I guess we do get by because our Master, Giver and Father is by our side.

As much as King David always sought and cried out to the Lord to restore and renew His soul, I am convinced that we ought to be able to do just the same, and be ok about it - because this IS the normal Christian life, there are ups and downs!

And I know it is true because the bible tells me so.

Get real! This is what I will say to those people who keep talking talking talking about strength and joy each day and how we are not to be down or look gloomy or be emo because they have never come to realise how profound joy and strength is when it is centred in a process rather than mere emotions!

King David had those days that some of us have - ups and downs. So did Moses. So did Elijah. It is OK.
(but it should not be forever, it is a season of processing and realigning and working out one's faith)