Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Kairos...Timing alongside Trust

Non parlo italiano

Thanks for hooting people ...nice to know some of you actually bother

Today's most exciting discovery : Herbal Coke!

Don't ask me what herbal coke is...I dun have a clue! It was described to me as being somewhat like kui ling kou or cincau! have still yet to see it sold in stores in Malaysia but it'll be interesting when I come across it...Someone else commented, maybe its herbal tea with gas?? haha..Now, that'll be really eeeewwwww! Well, the origin of this drink comes from a quaint little place in the quite alley of Leeds City Centre in a humble japanes abode called "Little Tokyo"© A good friend of mine seemed to like it and gave an all-time guiness book definition : - The herbal coke is nothing but some weak sugar water with an aquatic plant says Ruth Chan! va-va-voom...indeed!

I got called a "puss" today by this guy at the office!! Why?? I still dunno...I guess maybe it has got something to do with me refusing to have a puff of the cigarette!! But still, I'd rather be called a "puss" a million times than succombing to such unruly and downrite even disparaging challenge such as that! Argh... Well, I guess, I'm over that incident now - thanks to a good old cup of starbucks tall latte to go and a plesant server at the counte!

Hmm...somehow today's topic seem to lie with drinks!! Anyway, about starbucks....Its been a good 7 months since I've been back in KL and today was the first time I actually bought a cup of starbucks coffee!! My heart has had a tender connection with the Starbucks family ever since last summer when I frequent it for their life-saving air conditioning and soothing tunes whilst studying for my exams....Well, somehow when I walked into the Starbucks at Bintang Walk today, it all looked and smelt too familiar...you know the kinda feeling when you see your good friends or your family- its that feeling alright! Talk about blur, I guess it never occured to me how much a cup of latte will cost in Malaysia since I've never paid for one before...I started taking out 2.75 from my wallet instinctively! And the guy told me, "One Regular (Tall) latte to go miss - that'll be 6.75 please!" Silly me...I was so embarassed but at least it really did do wonders for my mood !

I'm starting to imagine myself sitting at the Starbucks facing the Hampstead Heath Bus Stop now.......Man, my best moments were spent there!! Ok that's it, I've made up my mind - that will definitely be the first place I patronise when I step out of Heathrow airport on Friday morning!!

I guess I am living up to my reputation of being discursive!!

On a serious note, I've been pondering and thinking alot about the sermon on Sunday preached by Ps Paul Ang about Change in Discerning Times...Its like God knew that I needed that message and he used this man all the way from a town called Rawang to speak to me. His message was preached for me! Hao Yee and Lydia and Jon, I think you three were the first few who said that to me too! Funny how like I never quite know how to respond ..I think I was literally shiverring in my seat...(Wui Jeh, did you notice me?) It is those kinda sermons that hits deep into your heart...Ps Paul led me to this very obscure passage or verse rather in 1 Chronicles 12 vs 32 about the sons of Issachar who had understanding of the times, to know what to do or what Israel ought to do (to be more precise as it is written in the Bible). Truly, we need to be sensitive to the seasons/changes in our lives, our work and our ministry/church even so that we know when there is a change that God is bringing about. Why? Simple. The reason being, so that we do not miss God's timing in our life, to be extremely conscious of the timings and its accuracy.

So, for me......................I am still waiting for that God's timing in all the areas of my life. A simple but very convicting lesson God taught me, that the waiting period is not wasted time. The waiting period is part of God's training programme in this short life of mine. The waiting period most importantly is God's way to prepare the man/woman of God to accomplish the assignment of God.

Think Big and Expect Big Things from God.......But also, dun forget, it is through you that the Lord wants to Accomplish the Big Things in this generation! Amen!

"For a man's ways are in full view of the Lord, and he examines all his paths." (Proverbs 5:21)

Its all about Kairos....