Thursday, May 20, 2004

All You Have Done

Lord, you have been good to me!

4 things really to share :

1. God is so much more than what I make Him out to be

2. I am a mere pebble

3. Behold, the former things have come to pass, and new things I declare; Before they spring forth I tell you of them ( Isaiah 42 vs 9)

4. Peace is the presence of power, not the absence of trouble!

The past two days I have been thinking about how do we make decisions that encompasses a flavour of wisdom, assurance and peace...the decisions I am talkin about are those like nail-bitting life decision types. Its not as simple sometimes...cos u know its like once you make them, you gotta just stick to it, you gotta accept the results of it and it kinda marks out your future in a way too. In His graciousness, God showed me just how important first and foremost it is to know who He is, then to understand His heart and then to know His power is there to bring about every desire of my heart by re-aligning that also with His desire for my life! Yes, God loves us. He wants our whole lives - to serve Him but also in return, to excel in the skills n work He has blessed us with.

The Lord revealed much to me...It was through the life of a friend who is in the midst of making such lifelong decisions that I learnt all this. God was using him in a way to show me just how much He can do thorugh just this sharing of the lives of two indivuals (my friend and I)by churning out both our thoughts more deeply , through Godly conversations, through prayer and just seeing how God's powerful to divinely intervene in to will everything in accordance to the working out of all the plans in our lives! Wow! The beauty of good friends is phenomenal!

Everything will be ok...whatever decision we make when we seek God's counsel...He will take care of everything. Its not really a question of whether it is the right or wrong decision, it always really is a question of where He wants you to be this season of your life....And as long as we are walking with Him and our lives are right with Him, we have nothing to worry about. He is a God who never short changes us! In fact, He is a God who gives us an abundance of all things, especially so, He gives an abundant life!

"The secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him, And He will show them His covenant" Psalm 25 vs 14