Monday, May 24, 2004

Friday, Saturday, Sunday ...where did it all go to?

Friday - I spent a good whole 8 hours or more at a cyber cafe on a stake out!! ( Though after that, the 2 and a half hours of cell group was refreshing!)

Saturday - I spent a good whole 6 hours in prison and another good whole 8 hours in church!!

Sunday - I spent a good whole 4 hours learning about Japanese Culture and 3 hours at a business meeting!

Activity time in total : Friday 10hrs + Sat 14hrs + Sun 7hrs = 31hrs

And now, its MONDAY yet again!

In the last few days, I found myself literally entering a war zone....Why? Well, if you've been reading the newspapers in KL, I am sure you all just as affected and disgusted about the many reports on juvenile murders, the indonesian maid the was abused by her employer with a hot iron, the seizing of 1000 DVDS on a real life raping of a HK movie actress, the basketball gang story etc....Those stories were shocking but yet it was REALITY!! For me, reality hit home even more when I went to prison on Saturday to do some voluntary legal Aid for juveniles. I dealt with 10 cases, 4 of which were rape cases, 2 for Grevious Bodily Harm with dangerous weapons, 1 for car theft, 1 for arm robbery, 1 for selling pirated DVDS and 1 for shoplifting. It was emotionally draining for me personally and I felt sorry for some of them, yet at others I was literally fuming mad at their actions. What is going on in our society these days?? What have people become?

Later at youth service, Ps Lee Choo shared about another real life story that week which happened to one of our church members and she too spoke on the realities of the world by focusing her round up message on the issues I was thinking about. Man, at that point, I knew God was sending us Chrisitians in KL a LOUD message!!! We are in a very very REAL spiritual battle and it is WAR everyday!! The challenge to us is: Do we realise these realities?? Do we know what kind of world we live in?? What are we doing to make a difference? Are we walking our talk? Do we realise that all this things can happen to anyone of us or to our love ones? Are we taking our faith seriously?

My heart was very broken for our generation that very Saturday. I saw a nation of people that truly needed to know the love of our Lord Jesus. I saw the faces of the youths in church and I know they really need that personal encounter with the Lord Jesus. I saw the love of my church pastors and their desire to really bring these young people to a deeper level of their walk with God. Intercession was the first step. So, this week - we're entering a week of prayer and fasting for the YOUTHS and the YOUTH CAMP that begins this Sunday. We really want to bring the youths back to the foot of the cross and to the Father himself. We want to really ask God for His anointing, His presence and His favour at this Youth Camp so that this young people will be able to really be good soldiers for His kingdom and influence their peers!

We do live in a crooked generation but the question now is how do we actually respond? Are we just goin to ignore every piece of news we here until it hits someone close to us? Are we just goin to go abouts doing our own thing only or will we be more aware of the urgency of the times and start interceeding faithfully for our nation and people around us who do not yet know the Lord Jesus? Are we goin to make a difference in the way we life our lives so that we can impact others?

When i was in London, I remember telling my cell group this : PEOPLE ARE WATCHING YOU! Indeed, they are - you may not know it, but they are!

I have been reflecting on alot the last few days that its so difficult to just pen down every one of my thoughts. I guess, personally, I am challenged in terms of my priorities and my christian faith. Am I really taking God seriously.

Its all well and swell to say we trust God and trust in God to do all things....but at the same thing, I think we need to ask ourselves also this question: CAN GOD TRUST US? CAN GOD TRUST ME?

Its a difficult and tough week ahead for me, so please keep me in your prayers. I am literally swamped with stuff to do in and out of work....

Just got back after 6 hours at the Legal Aid Centre reviewing files and applying for charge sheets in the court. Thankfully, I made the decision to come home rather than go back to office to do my here I am at home blogging, when I shd be sleeping or finishing my work!! haha...

Oh the saying goes, all work and no blogging makes Val totally a freeky nerd!! haha


Only by God's grace and In God's strength,
