Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Bright Sunny Leeds= Hayfever Victim!

Leeds was so bright and sunny yesterday .....but that also meant the pollen count was extremely high!!

Hayfever hit my eyes, nose and ears so severely that I was literally finishing packs and packs of tissue.....but like everything else, I told God I couldn't take it for much longer as I felt my nose was gonna explode and my eyes were gonna fall out...and He answered my prayer and by post lunch time, it was all gone!!

I spent my day at the Regional Cell Leadership Training which my dear friend Wee Leon was conducting for the North England Fellowship Leaders....It was very good as it re-ignited the passion in my heart for lives and discipleship. The one word that really captured my heart was that of DESTINY....and indeed the sharing about the Abrahamic covenant from Genesis 12 was entirely timely!

Another higlight was that I was re-united with a very dear sister of mine from Liverpool . It was so refreshing just sharing , catching up and praying for each other!! Becky, I missed you so much and I think meeting you again , having you in my group and also the opportunity to do the prayer walk with you was awesome - God arranged it , I am sure!! Haha, I'll definitely remember the moment where we just stood under those cherry blossom trees interceeding for the students on campus and when the leaves just blew across our pathway!

Today, I am determined to just lay in this morning....Reflect.....Rest in the Lord...and see what He leads me to do or who He leads me to next....