Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Hello Birmingham..

Hello Birmingham @ Cadbury World...
At last ....I'm finally here....

Bert and Phan took me gobble down the best meal ever in my last few days in UK - I had classic traditional English food at Toby's Carvery!! Roast Beef, Gamon, Roast Turkey, Roast Potatoes, Roast Vegetables, Cranberry Sauce etc....but most importantly I finally got to eat my most craved after Yorkshire Pudding and Apple Crumble!!! Thank You so much my friends!!

Guess what else???


I just fell totally absolutely in love with Mac - yup, his name is Mac!

He plays cool tunes, draws pretty well, looks cool and recites the bible pretty well too man! What else could a gal ask for?

On a more serious note,

Checked out the Birmingham Christian College today and had a good chat with the principal who was very inspiring! Say, this guy literally took the trouble to really get to know me and he said a very ministering prayer for me at the end of our chat! Thank you, Richard!

Shared my thoughts with Bert and sensed that God really brings about the most unexpected things to happen and yet also confirms alot of our thoughts through special people in our lives!!! Encouraged each other about Encounter Weekend and about Youth Ministry alot ....indeed, the Lord has placed a burden in both our hearts for the lives of the young people of this day and age! And I dun feel so all alone anymore when I have a crazy friend like bert talkin to me!! haha So, bert, you continue to invest in the lives of those God placed under you in will see them find God in the most exceptional ways!

Its about dinner time now and I'm off to meet my big kor kor, Mr Ling Chung Seng to pass him his bag of goodies.....