Monday, May 10, 2004

Encouragement on our knees!

"God chose the weak things of this world to shame the wise ... that none may boast except in Him." 1 Cor 1:27-29

Question - Where is the best place to be before God? Answer - on our knees!

The best attitude to have before God is one of total reliance, of utter dependency, upon Him. It is then that we see Him work most effectively through us; when we acknowledge that fulfilling his purposes does not depend on our abilities but on His strength, on His anointing, on His working through us.

The worth of any of us is not measured by Him in the skills, talents or abilities we have been given (nor ought our self-view to be based on these things); but by the price he paid for us - which was the Life of His son, Jesus Christ - and was the same price for us all!

What an encouragement to those of us who do not feel a natural confidence! Indeed, the Spiritual equation of effectiveness in life reverses the natural one - the less confident we feel in ourselves and our own ability the more effective we can be for Him; the more room we leave for Him to move!

That is not to say that fulfilling his purposes for our lives does not involve serious hard work! Nor that we should neglect to use and develop our giftings. But as we work "He will bless the work of our hands" if we recognise that we can only be truly effective as we seek Him, and trust him daily each morning, indeed hourly, for guidance, protection, and strength.

"No eye has seen,
No ear has heard
No mind has conceived
What God has prepared for those who love Him"
1 Corinthians Ch 2 v 10.