Monday, May 17, 2004

For The Sake of the Call

"We are all called to ministry , We are all called to be ministers" , twas the words of Le Roy Cloud to the many who were ministered to at SIB KL yesterday when He shared God's word to us.

And it got me thinking.....

"Now Lord consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness". Acts 4:29
This was the prayer of ordinary people changed by Jesus Christ. Their environment was both friendly and hostile. Their fearless preaching had gained them friends and enemies. When it came to the crunch they recognised they were servants of God, faced their fears and prayed for courage. The safe parth of compromise was not an option.
How tempting it is for us to sacrifice truth on the altar of popularity, convenience and self-interest. Our modern Christianity encourages us to blend in, be reasonable and not offend anyone. The call of Christ however is to leave behind the world, its applause and values and to embrace a new Kingdom with wholly different values.

Today, let us recognise afresh that we are God's servants, face our fears and pray for courage as we hold out the word of life in a crooked and depraved generation.
And we are the chosen ones in this be the change we wish to see in the word!