Wednesday, May 12, 2004

I've Got Heaven On The Inside Of Me

Are we bringing heaven into this world??

I know some people are ....and I am so priveleged to be learning under their guidance!! So, Aunty Lee Choo, Aunty Ay Nee and Uncle Peter, Ps Kay and Ann - thank you so much for leading by examples through the lives you live. Just spending a few hours in SIB this afternoon, I caught a glimpse of your heart and the wonderful spirit that lives so evidently within the SIB Pastoral and Leadership Team!!

I had a very wonderful lunch appointment today with Aunty Ay Nee and Uncle Peter....They truly affirmed me in my gifting and my convictions about God's purpose for me back here in KL...I am thankful more so for their wisdom, encouragement, parenting and their faith yeah, I guess its time this little potato starts moving to a different gear and actively find my destiny in this wonderful church or rather family I have here in SIB!

Later, I chatted with Ps Kay about Youth Ministry and I think I asked her so many questions that perhaps, she is kinda afraid of me now...hahaha...She truly was able to communicate her heart for the young people here in Malaysia to me and wow, this lady is amazing!! She is ever so full of joy all the time and glowing in her demeanour.....I understand a little better now this pillar of the church and how I was so foolish to think that it was a ministry that was over subscribed with many labourers....Today, God stirred that passion in my heart yet again, to really rise up and get my lazy butt moving....I seriously felt God saying to me, Val, what are you waiting for - the harvest is plentiful, the field is there for you to work and build upon?!! Its about time you start investing in lives get a move on it before I send lightning to strike you!! I am gonna take a baby step....I promised Ps Kay that I will help out in the up and coming Youth Camp end of the month...dunno what I'll be doing but like always, camps are the best places to build relationships guess the least i will be doing is that and maybe more...See what God has in stored eh?!

There's more...I ended up in my Aunty Lee Choo's office somehow ..haha..divine?? And we were chatting about some Youth Roadshow my spiritual father, Ps Seng Lee from FCBC was coming to do in KL ....then the most amazing thing, I found myself sharing to her about my recent trip to UK, about my church in UK and about g12 values and about Encounter I, a pure amateur , was explaining and describing to her about EW ans sharing the many real life testimonies about EW ....and guess what??? She said she wants to do EW for the Exist district ( Young Adults & Youths)Wah...that was music to my ears man!!! I totally totally resonated with that and said , Yeah man...we must do EW , we must..we must...Coincidentally, Ps Kay and I had just earlier chatted about G12, EW and Post E too!! Amazing!!

Haha...I sound like a nutter!! But I am just excited about things like this which I am fully convicted about , where I know God wants to really move in the lives of people and I just know he will bring us to a different level of faith!

So, that sums up my day....

A day where God was really personally revealing and showing to me the heart of my pastors....indeed, also re-assuring me that I am in the church He wants me to be ...and encouraging me to know that we are slowly moving in the vision of g12...

Wanna know more about g12 check out or