Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Life just as it was..

Yesterday was by far the busiest day in the office for us "chambies" at SD. I got butchered with a stack of legal opinions to write - and of course, each opinion needed to be substantiated with the relevant leading authorities; both locally and internationally. Indeed, I learnt the powers of working under immense stress, pressure and hunger! My knowledge memory bank increased enormously whilst reading up on the various areas of law from land law to internet law to food and advertising law to securities law and to banking law........Skill wise, I was also marvelled at the various means of resources available to me at the office that ranged from Weslaw to LexisNexis to CLJ to Google to SD's library and finally I even engaged help from the more brilliant minds of our SD lawyers in their various much more for a mere egg like me to learn ...FOR ONCE, I REALLY DIDN'T MIND THE WORK - I was really learning and enjoying the practise of law (esp when its exciting!)

The weather - wet and gloomy! Reminded me of London Haven't really kept myself abreast with the Word of God as much as I would like to this week. God still is faithful. He still leads me to snippets of articles from the random Christian sources I chance upon and speaks to me through them. I thank God for churning out all His revaltions to me even in this way...I know nothing beats reading directly from the Word of God itself though. I am trying to discipline myself to adopt and abide by my church's bible reading plan. Haha, and of course am really excited by the incentives given for scriputre memorisation cos I've been eyeing this particular book/commentary I wanna get from Canaanland!! And to my cell leader, P.M., I'll start the ball rolling so everyone else should follow suit in no timelar and we can also collect brownie points for our cell ya Of course you all know that's really not my motive lar rite?? Hmm..I hear a resounding YES from all of you!

My friend shared with me a very interesting discovery today about the Abrahamic covenant. Was really convicted about this issue of Obedience. I tried putting myself in Abraham, Isaac and Jacob's shoes. So many times, they were told to leave their comfortable life and go into another land or sacrifice something because God told them to. I'm still thinkin even as I blog. In awe of such great man of God. Amazing how God leads us cos just as I was waiting for my fax to come in, I read a portion of Exodus 33 about Moses. Yet again, it was a passage dealing with obedience and leaving the land. Finished reading.Still no fax. Dunno wat prompted me but I naturally logged on the net and it navigated me to a particular site I have not visited for the past week. Page loaded. It was on Exodus 33 : 3 " Go up to the land flowing with milk and honey". Isn't God magnificent or wat??

I think I will pen more ofmy thoughts down on it when its less jagged but I'm God-stuck in wonder and amazement (the reverent kind of shock)

So this is life as it is from my live journal today.......




In Egypt God’s people had to pump water from the Nile to irrigate the crops and stay alive. What a picture! Slaving on an old foot pump just to survive. But then the season changes. Listen: ‘…go in and take over the land…flowing with milk and honey…not like the land of Egypt…where you planted your seed and irrigated it by foot’ (Deuteronomy 11:8-10 NIV). There’s a place in your spiritual walk where you can get off the pump and get into the flow; where you stop sweating over everything because God’s goodness simply flows into every area of your life.

But this promise is only to the obedient! Listen: ‘Observe therefore all the commands

I am giving you today, so that you may have the strength to go in and take over the land…’ (Deuteronomy 11:8 NIV). It’s like having the right access code and account number. All you have to do is make withdrawals, because now you’re walking in harmony with God.

We all want to live in the flow of God’s blessings, yet only a handful of Israelites made it into the Promised Land. Who were they? a) Those who dared to act on the instructions God had given them b) Those who were willing to confront the giants of fear c) Those who refused to be swayed by the opinions of others d) Those whose faith said, ‘The Lord…will lead us into that land…[He] will give it to us…do not be afraid…’ (Numbers 14:8-9 NIV). And you can be one of those people