Tuesday, June 15, 2004

It was a piece of cake ...hehe!!
Ask me any road sign and I can tell you in Malay language!!
Just thanking God that I passed the very first phase of my driving test! One down, two more to go!
Spent a bulk of my allowance on a new pair of shades today!! Well, I thought I'd just cheer myself up especially since my current pair is less than trendy state! Oklar...its not about trendiness, its just that my Tag Hauer glasses are now about 7 years old and as with all good things, it must come to an end...ahem! Besides, my regular optician was just located directly opposite the driving test centre...So I am preparing my heart to part with it this week before I collect my new pair!!
I'm shooting off to Penang for the next few days for some work assignment! Excited!!
To my new cell group- Thumbprints, we will be entering into the world of KRANIUM!!! Its going to be a crazy nite! Cell starts at 8pm instead of 830pm this week ok cos we're goin to have some order in food!!
To infinity and beyond................