Sunday, June 13, 2004

Questa Settimana!

My thoughts today revolve around snippets of verses from the bible...

I have chosen one verse and one indissoluble thought :-

Matthew 9 vs 17

No one puts a piece of unshrunk cloth on an old garment for the patch pulls away from the grament, and the tear is made worse..

Nor do they put new wine into old winsekins, or else the wineskins break, the wine is spilled, and the wineskins are ruined. BUT they put new wine into new winsekins, and both are preserved.

Dwell and be involved in the FRESH things of God!'

May the Lord open our spiritual eyes, our hearts and minds to see just where and how he is moving in our midst - what is the climate at the place we are at politically, economically, socially and spiriually?! It is only when we truly recognise the significance of where He has placed us today, then only will we move to bring spiritual impact into the lives of the nations of the world!

Know our destiny! Know our purpose! Know our vision that has been set and revealed by the Holy Spirit himself!

In the past week, God has shown His great purposes to me....

Tuesday nite - Young Adults Zone prayer meet

Friday nite - Cell Multiplication celebration & thanksgiving

Saturday morning - Early Dawn Prayer meet

Sunday morning - Missions Sunday - sermon by Beram Kumar from STAMP

In a nutshell, there is a rapid revial and uproar in Malaysia on its way ....A Christian church revival! God is taking us to greater lengths and stretching His armies..God is empowering the Malaysian churches and building leaders in unity...There is an urgent call to RESPOND when the LORD speaks....and I am very fortunate to be in the presence and in the community of a church that acts when commissioned! Know the soul of your church! Know the heart of your pastor! Know your role and be on the roll! Obey when the Lord moves in your inner life and you will see many fruits and many miracles!

God uses everyone of us to fulfil His purposes and HE wants you!

Catch a glimpse of how big the God you place your trust in is by re-looking at the Old Testament!

A new wave of God is sweeping across many nations of the world .....and Malaysia is just one of the many strategic nations!

Ask and I will give you the nations , I will make the nations your inheritance, says the Lord (Psalm 2 vs 9) .

This land of Malaysia too is our spiritual inheritance, ain't it? Its as simple as asking - that is all we need to do !

I end today's entry with a quote from Rev. Edmund Chan of Covenant Evangelical Free Church Singapore,

" THERE IS a critical difference between having the promises of God and holding fast to the promises of God. Many have the promises of God, but too few hold fast to the promise and act on them!"