Wednesday, July 14, 2004


Finally, I'm taking my driving test!!! D-Day has come!! Its Tuesday 15th June 2004 at 10am!

From memorising road signs like Jalan Pusing Keliling , my kepala has started in that direction too - berputar balik pusing pusing sehingga sakit!

Man - Highway code is tough especially in Malay!!!

Who ever heard of Jalan Melencung Sisihan Tajam?? Or even Simpang Tak Serentak Dilarang Masuk Kanan?

Whoever wrote the Highway Code ( Panduan Kurikulum Pendidikan Pemandu) must really love words and is certainly very long winded! Look at the immense use of words in one sentence to describe something like Roundabout!! Argh.........

Anyway, much as I am complaining, I still have to memorise the essentials of the code to attain a score of 42/50 at least to pass. Not only that, my sister has already reminded me that she scored 50/50 and expects me to follow suit, hence to uphold the family name! Pressure..pressure...

Moving on to more disheartening news - England's Euro 2004 campaign. Guess who had to rain on their parade?? It has gotta be Zinadine Zidane - my dad's favourite player!! Though, I do not take credit away from his two unstoppable efforts at goal, I do not think France played a generally better game than England! England really were on the roll ....To sub Wayne Rooney was their first mistake! And then, to sub scholes, they basically were committing suicide!! Why?? Well, Rooney was the only one doing alot of hard work up front and Scholes, he definitely is better at putting in tackles and scaring the French Midfield defensively compared to Owen Hargreaves! Man, England, I wish you employed me as your tactics consultant!! I am a pro at Championship Manager and Pro -Evolution Soccer - Ask me next time you decide to give up a moment of glory in beating the French! Well done to the likes of Ashley Cole and Ledley King and of course, David Beckham (despite his saved penalty!)

Tennis - Roddick it is once again at Queens!! Man, its getting boring!! I wish Federer was at Queens to really put this young punk in his place! But there is always Wimbledon ...And I wish I was there yet again in SW17 at Court 1 or Centre Court witnessing excellent tennis and getting soaked in the British Rain!

F1 - Ferrari - could it have been anyone else ?? No way! I really admire the way they play their game! They deploy their game plan real well! Full tank to last the 70 laps with only one pit stop won it for the older n wiser Schumacher! Perhaps, we need to learn from the people behind the scenes who strategise for ferrari ...Perhaps, Sven Goran Eriksson should pick up the phone and learn a few tricks from F1 and implement it in the England squad..

Oh well, I caught live action of 3 different sporting events - two of which are my favourite and my life-long passion and one, just to buy time in between while waiting for the footie....and I must still say, I enjoyed the England v France best!

Three Lions are still roaring ...this time, we will finish and tear the prey apart!