Thursday, September 30, 2004

My Attempt In Using Multiply!

Yup - I'm finally doing something hip by joining multiply and opening my doors to the world of NETWORKING!!

Well, firstly - Mark Jit & Sandra Chen - you both convinced me to the PROs of setting this thing up when we were chatting about this in Birmingham! Secondly, whoever said it was USER-FRIENDLY & EASY TO SETUP/USE ??? Or perhaps I'm just plain lazy or dumb to go through the great lengths of making this supposed homepage of mine hip & fanciful?? U decide for yourself how clever I am ;)

Ok, so here I am browsing & I think the only thing I managed to do without much brain power was to upload some photos of my melon bro, Paul Cheong & his new bride Marisa CHEONG!! Hah! I manage to do that finally Mrs Cheong!! For those of you who know Paul, here's some selected photos from Aaron Goh's photo-taking spree at the wedding on 31 July ...the rest are CENSORED!! I dare u to ask Aaron or Paul for the SPECIAL EDITION version!

Erm...yes, now what else can I tell u people whom I have asked to join me in my journey at MULTIPLY headquarters ...Oh yes, for all you Malaysians, my church SIB is having a Bazaar this Friday & Saturday as a fundraising effort to generate some cashflow in supporting the building of our up and coming church building...I'll post the venue & time under the EVENTS section once I find out the details!

Funny how I can imagine Sandra going in her head asking why I'm writing so much unimportant stuff when she's expecting me to share with all of you about my exciting journey for the next 10 months ...Well, I'll save that for another time, perhaps tomorrow, once I get down to sorting out my Long Call Papers for Admission to the Malaysian Bar as a "proper" sorta lawyer & if the British High Commission people are nice, I'll also probably be able to put my visa application through :p **hint hint*

Just something to end off my journal entry now taken from Lord of the Rings 1 "The Fellowship of the Ring" which I find very much sums up the life of Christians..

In a preview to advertise the movie, these 3 lines came up on screen
Fate has chosen him
A Fellowship will protect him
Evil will hunt him

Isn't it so for us as Christians?? How God chose us...How our fellowship with other believers edify, build us up, encourages & strengthens us...And how the devil will always be prowling at us like a lion to make us stumble & draw us away from God, the one who chose us ! Have a think about it!

Btw, LOTR1 Rocks !