Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Go Bush!

Its about 415am here & there is still no result.......Bush is ahead by a teeny weeny margin but still I wait in anticipation to celebrate another Republican vicotry - dare I say!

Guess the majority will disagree with my alliance to Bush .....and I don't mock Kerry supporters BUT, I think its about choosing the lesser of two evils. If it was AL Gore, I sure think the public need not face as tough a decision as they do now.

SUPER TUESDAY this year wil be a significant one for AMERICA! At the end of the day, America wil still remain a superpower - The President be it Bush or Kerry is still the Head of the Armed Forces - so if people are so extremely gutted with Bush & war on Iraq, I doubt the situation will change with Kerry - Ultimately, you are the President - you are the Head of the Armed Forces - you have the power - and you use the power - may not be now for Kerry but one fine day as President, he will need to use that power. But as in Spiderman 2, with great power comes great responsibility. So, who wil America want that responsibility chanelled to?

Now....the key states - Florida & Ohio - which way will they swing the polls?

The best is yet to come ....

A walkin zombie in the making is the result of my obsession :) (if you could call that obession!)

The time now 420 am .......