Monday, November 01, 2004

Once Saved Always Saved - or does it matter?

Challenged by the notion today that a person doesnt necessarily need to be saved as such to enter the kingdom of God. And someone else suggested that it doesnt really matter - that at the end of the day anyone who knows God even unconciously in their heart will enter the kingdom of heaven. Then another said that in the Beatitudes, Jesus said Blessed are the pure in heart, poor in spirit etc for theirs is the kingdom of heaven so maybe its one of works!

For now, I can safely say I disagree with that!

The reason behing this notion is the fact that the Beatitudes or perhaps the gospels largely focus on DOING - DOING GOOD i.e. WORKS.

One, Paul clearly writes that we are saved by faith not works.

Second, when our lives are changed because we experience God's love, we naturally live a different sort of a life - a life that should examplify Jesus, that includes our works.

Thirdly, I believe it is WHO we are NOT what we do at the end of the day after we receive Christ into out lives that really matters. It is how we live our lives on earth that matters. What do people see in us? How do people see us? Are we communicating Christ's love in the relationships we build with people?

Fourthly, I think its VERY important to know if you are saved. After all, what is SALVATION? Why was Jesus called the SAVIOUR? YES, it does matter!

Oh well, what a conversation to have over a lunch table ...but I am grateful for such conversations that make me think and go deeper - to question my own belief system etc..

You see, I'd much rather be looking into the once saved always saved controversy we Christians faced today - especially on the 2 different schools of thought on the matter. Guess, I should pick up RT Kendall's book on 'Once Saved ALways Saved' for yet another perspective...As for now, I am of the school that believes in the once saved, always saved proposition!

Re-reading the gospels & New Testament theology more thoroughly in the coming weeks as I'm truly amazed at the number of Christian views on certain concepts of our faith.

Like what I've been told - Don't be afraid to dig deeper & Ask Questions on what you hear & read.....Of course, pray too for God to reveal HIS truths!

Phew! That was the best lunch ever :)