Monday, November 22, 2004


I'm back in my homeland now........................

How do I feel? I feel very loved & I feel at home...........

Kuala Lumpur is fascinating. It may not rank with the likes of Paris or Venice or some other beautiful European city but its beauty to a Malaysian surpasses all understanding of any other breed of mankind.

Why do I feel that way about KL? Simplicty of things play a big role. Nobody needs to be a somebody cos everybody is a somebody here. Whether you are a minister or a road sweeper, the major concern here is not class. Everyone has time for another individual and no one is really ignored intentionally. In London, you can feel the sheer coldness of the hearts of individuals on the streets, in the bus or even at restaurants. Here, for most of the time, you can always sense a familiar warmth in the lives of people on the streets and very little racial discrimination. So if you are Malaysian, you will agree with me that the nights at the mamak stalls are always the memorable moments in life. Is there any other place in the world where you can find a safe haven like the mamak stalls here? Not really. Not even having coffee at starbukcs. Having coffee at starbucks is fab for solitude moments but not mamaks! Mamaks is a place of noise, warmth and good food anytime of the day , month and year!

I miss Bahasa Malaysia...In the last week, I met up with some real wonderful & old friends in the UK who are Malaysians. Amazing how some Malay terms came up and it was like music to my ears. How I really missed that! Also, that stirred up a real deep conviction in my heart to worship God in my own language so I gathered up from memory (thanks to SIB) every single bit of Malay worship songs to sing - it was powerful! Funnily enough, it inspired my friends too...and man, we all really went on to talk about Malaysia, realising of course that it is a place where our roots lie & we are ever grateful & proud to be Malaysians!

Its a new brand new day - my first real morning in KL . Living in anticipation of the days to come. I know my time back here is God-ordained and with an expectant heart I submit to all that my loving God seeks to reveal to me :)

Do cover me with your prayers this week. I will be stepping foot into my law firm Shearn Delamore & Co again from tomorrow onwards for the next few days. I am yet to find a mover for my Long Call on Friday. Have alot of mixed feelings about entering into the corporate legal world again & also the Malaysian courts.

Deciding on what I should have for breakfast...haha...

Here's a verse that really encourages me even as I study Paul's life again. Guess sometimes we tend to use this words quite lightly but if you go deeper and understand what was surrounding Paul's life & all he had gone thru, you will see this verse in a totally new light!

Philippians 2 v 12
"Not that I have already obtained all this or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Forgetting what lies behind and straining towards what is ahead. I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."