Monday, November 08, 2004

Words..but it really doesn't fully describe everything

It has been a good end to a long weekend from my frontline mission placement. I finished the after school's club on thursday and whisked myself down to London straight after in anticipation for a very packed weekend. Thursday seemed never ending - from arriving at London Euston, I went to Tze's place to print out the Encounter Booklet Cover & I was grateful for his HP coloured printer & the nice dinner :) Reached home to my flat to greet my parents who were awaiting my arrival....was so nice to finally see them!

My friday began with lots of photocopying ....and then decided to spend some time with my dad while my mom went to her lunch appointment. Guess where we ended up? Haha...Took my Dad to Loon Tao in china town to have my Roast Duck Lo -Mein which I missed so much!! It was nice!

Rushed back to the flat at 4ish, picked up my bags and left immediately to meet the rest of the OCF leaders at Euston to head off for Milton Keynes...yup, Encounter Weekend! Chris, Adrien and I made it just in time to hop on the train but the rest had to wait to get on the next on...was quite fun as we ended up folding the EW booklets and talking abt what we were goin to have for dinner :)

COCM Headquarters is amazing! Its a equivalent to a 4 star hotel with the best food ever! I got an en-suite room :) hee!

Encounter Weekend began with a timely reminder of the focus of the weekend - our lives and God. I guess I went with an expectant heart you could say...I saw people touched by the Lord, I saw people healed by the Lord & I saw people excited about their lives because of God. But one thing I really really admired was the way God was with us all the time...everything felt magical - very directed and led by His Spirit..and personally, I knew God had taken us at our word during the countless prayers and petitions. He showed up ...and He showed up big time! I thank God for a wonderful working relationship with Wee Leon, David & Ju Lee.....the connection was just wow!! Such unity in ministry is hard to come by and I experienced just the kinship with them...and its something I hold so dear to my heart! Thanks guys for coming all the way from Leeds to Milton Keynes..I enjoyed serving with you very much!

By Sunday afternoon, I was able to creep in some time to spend with some individuals sharing & talkin to them abt things...those meant so much to me...and i think really learning to listen to the Spirit and to the Lord in how He wanted me to minister and pray :)

The one thing that I brought back from this Encounter is the awe of being in God's presence. I really felt I was standing on Holy Ground. Every prayer uttered, every conversation shared, every word read - convicted me tenfold! I have develop a new understanding of the power of the Lord & to never underestimate Him!

Details are hard to put in words...really, an encounter is an experience. It is not facts or knowledge. It is not abt learning new doctrine or theology. It is about an experience.