Sunday, December 12, 2004

I surrender!

You know, my journey is getting tougher and tougher! I just dun understand why can'€™t the Devil give me a break for a day? Why must he attack the areas that are most precious to me-€“ the part of my life where I don'€™t quite have the answer but yet am very vulnerable? Is my strength in the Lord still being tested?

I guess in areas we feel we are achieving breakthroughs – those are exactly the areas the Devil seeks to destroy and affect us, throw us back and messes up our emotions because it is through that where he twists our core beliefs.

I don'€™t understand that inner strength I have within me..Its God. I really wish I can just react but something inside tells me not to but rather focus it back on God. Do I trust God has it sorted? Responding in the way that God has placed within me has added perspective, strength and character.

If God is the one guiding, if God is the one who orchestrated breakthroughs, a slap like this is just a test of our faith in God and in the situation. Do I really believe that?!! I do...because I know His plans are to prosper me and I'™m still a work in progress...and being totally dependent on God is an art I need to master daily.

It has been a very hard day - a day where I need to seek the redemptive power of the cross for that healing and completeness.

A friend said to me, I wish I had a simple life.

Today I say, I wish life was so simple.

  • Where God will just show me clearly
  • Where God will just help me overcome
  • Where God will just not make things so difficult
  • Where God will just take the bad things away
  • Where God will just tell me what to do, what to feel
  • Where God will show me just what really matters
  • Where God will just show me how to live this life

I surrender Lord. I surrender.

So when I give it all to you
Will you still find a way to see me through?
There is just too much to bear

Who knows what life can bring
Even in this time
Are you there O Lord?

I pray
Lord show your plans
I pray
Please take these hands
For I, I don’t know my way
My purpose more unclear each day

I pray, Lord God above
I pray, don’t let me sway
My hope, it is in your love
I pray, Lord, have your will, your way.

In every season
In every circumstance I know You stand beside me
So would You Lord
Make known to me

Hear my prayer Lord.


GOD, I still have you..Help me to understand that it is enough!