Friday, December 10, 2004


My mom always reminds me that it is important to gain perspective. A few hours ago, I took some time to do just that.

Over-reacting is not a foreign element to us. I do it ever so often. Behind it all, there is an invaluable lesson to learn.

My reflections this morning were painful. I discovered another crack in this pot of mine. Going through a rough patch took my perspective off things that were precious to me when we have unmet expectations of people around us. We become self absorb. We expect our best friends to always understand us and sometimes we think they are God, we expect them to read our mind and know our thoughts. It is very nice to have the people whom you trust most with you within arms length. But what would you prefer? An intimacy with God or an intimacy with man? God loves us so much that He gives us both so generously. I ran to God for things I knew only God could offer but at the same time was that really enough? By right we should be running to God for the things both man and God can offer just as well. Intimacy with God trains us for intimacy with men.

I feel life is a mystery. Some days we don't know why we do certain things. A friend told me today that it is the complexities of life that makes life itself worth living!

Intimacy with God is where we learn the things of the Kingdom. God will teach us how to love, how to forgive, how to trust, how to have faith, how to submit, how to be patient, how to make decisions, how to hear the voice of GOd....Intimacy with God is never disappointing. Faith is vital in pursuing intimacy with God.

I personally find it a lifelong calling to pursue intimacy with God cos it defines our entire walk with God. It marks Jesus as our first love and our devotion. It stamps our lifestyle. It is our daily goal.

Someone described intimacy with God as a passionate love affair that last for eternity =)

"He who pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity & honour" (Proverbs 21 v 21)

"But SEEK FIRST His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well" ( Matthew 6 v 33)

My mom reminds me to that God doesn't withold his blessings..It may be waiting for us round the corner of our very eyes but we miss it from our lack of faith and expectant hearts.

The past few days I have been feeling very edgy. I had very little sleep. I had disturbing thoughts. I had alot to pull myself through. I must have been very moody but I am learning that the best place to be is actually in the place of broken-ness. Sorry is a good word and a powerful word, though not to be used lightly. Yes - sorry is a good word! You know I mentioned Kenny Gan before.. He is a good mentor. He taught me that saying sorry and having to rid myself of pride in order to bring restoration and remove anger, resentment and bitterness is a very vital part of life. Satan can use those unhealthy thoughts to create havoc and destroy relationships. I know I am not without fault. I have to go back to God each time I've said a hurtful word or act. I reflect. I seek God for His forgiveness first and then have to pick up the strength to do what I never could see myself doing before. I need to pluck up the strength to write an email, pick up the phone or go to the person directly. It is the most difficult thing to do at times. My dad does it. He comes to me after we disagree though I was so rude to him and he says sorry, give me a smile and makes me feel everything is OK again. We start over. Everything is in the past. It is not easy to say sorry neither is it easy to forgive. A forgiving person always finds it easier to say sorry :P

Restoration above all is more important than our own pride. That is the way of Jesus. A true example.

I'm finally coming out of my HUB. Never left my room all day not even for a meal. Missed 2 home cooked meals already =) His compassions fail not and I thank God for helping me see the man inside of me.

I also thank God for the courage to obey Him and trust Him for all the night has to bring.

God loves us. Intimacy with Him secures us more than anything else the world can offer. You're sorted with God!