Thursday, December 02, 2004

One Word!

This blog entry is going to sound very very weird indeed. Bear with me and forgive me if I have offended any one of you.

One word makes all the difference!

Being trained as a professional in reading every word in every line of any contract - I would have thought that its hard for me to miss certain things. I mean, I am the sort that even reads all the terms and conditions on pop ups, look at small prints and even go to the extent to question the phrasing and representation of certain words used.

Not so...I missed something very imperative of a very essential nature.

Yet another humbling lesson for me :P

Proverbs is a book we all love - some of us like the way the language is used, some of us like the wisdom it produces, some of us just read it cos one verse is enough to get us by the day...

Proverbs 30 v 8 "Every word of God is flawless; He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him. Do not add to His words or He will rebuke you and prove you a liar."

Ever come across this verse? Of course, its so familiar...but hey, ever think harder and deeper or was is just another read?

I highlighted the word EVERY and the phrase DO NOT ADD. Thought about it for a moment. I have read Proverbs more than 5 times. Only now did I realise the actually severity of such words.

EVERY WORD OF GOD IS FLAWLESS. Does this make you think about every single word you read in the bible? How about every single promise? How about every single rebuke?

I felt like Paul on the Road of Damascus - suddenly a bright light just shone into my eyes as I read this verse. Can't describe it. Flawless means perfect, impeccable, faultless, pristine, untarnished...I've run out of words now...God meant it when he said we are wonderfully made in His image. You better believe it! He gives us every good and perfect gift from above, every spiritual blessing - we better acknowledge it!

Then, I read on...and there is a certain warning, DO NOT ADD to His words. See the seriousness of God. Just like a work of art from Michaelangelo can be commented and viewed as "flawless" - if we add one colour or just even a tiny speck of frizzled paint or even perfects a slight coffee stain - that small little element can change the whole nature of the art piece. Same with God's word. Anything more than what is before you no matter how tiny and minute destroys the entire art work. Similarly, even adding a small word stains the sacredness and perfection of God's word. Wah!! So serious!! So strict!

We have a perfect God...I'm like reading God's word so seriously now because I know everything written in it , which He says is TRUE! Sometimes I hear things like " Everything is possible with Him but that's just like too ideal" or " God doesn't love me?" Come on, I'm also just as guilty. I see myself saying those things too. Wah!! Its great rebuke - cos His word says God loves me and I add the "doesnt". Or I add the "but thats too ideal". Hey - I'm to be proved a liar man! Its that clear cut in the bible. So, yes, I am being rebuked.

You see we may not understand certain things. We may not be able to decipher the whole bible. But that doesn't mean we should not accept what it says. Certain things remain a mystery...The Holy Spirit reveals them to us - that is His work. The WOG is our compass. We read what is written in it and accept it. It is true. No need for so much reason. Cos the understanding comes through the revelation work of the Holy Spirit working and fellowshipping with us.

I'm not some semantics freak. I'm not saying we are all liars. I'm just acknowledging the perfectness of a perfect God.

I'm sorry if this offends alot of people. I felt strongly about the way I have been reading His word all this years - sometimes glimpsing without any thought. More times have I just sat down, read a verse for 10 minutes using some QT guide. In my few moments of really spending quality time with God, I see so much more truths and I am humbled another layer as I learn to meditate on His Word. My dad has his time with God every morning and every evening without fail - Isn't this what is given to us in Joshua to Meditate on His Word day and nite so that it may not depart from us? Now I truly understand why my dad is the way He is - full of strength and faith even at times of adversity.

Getting to know this God of ours is our responsibility NOT just His. Its a 50-50 thing. God doesnt do 99% and we do 1% or any other percentage. We do our part, He does His. We do the seeking, He does the revealing. We do the working, He does the convicting.

May you all find time to embrace His presence in your life daily. Its a partnership we have with the Lord. Its not a dictatorship.

Delight in Him =)