Monday, December 06, 2004


Today a very interesting conversation drove me to ponder upon the issue of one's worth.

I have a friend who is very keen to discover himself. He is in a process of soul searching. He said this : "I am afraid to know what I will be worth when my friends truly see who I am. So first, I need to understand what the armour of worth is. Is there a certain hope that holds me together once I discover the truth about myself?"

I find it very profound. I didn't really know what to say to him then.

Thinking about it, I mustered up some thoughts :-
The Popular Truth : Of course, only God can give people the strange desire to know the whole truth about themselves, and the strength and courage to live wide open, exposed lives before one another. And how does He do it? How does He slip us this bitter pill, coated with intense desire and determination?

Fortunately, the pill is also lavishly coated with the mystery we call LOVE, which is the only thing in heaven or on earth which can shield us from the horror of knowing what we are really like. That, in fact, is what God's love is, isn't it? God's love : it is His armour, an armour of forgiveness and acceptance that we put on over our corruption, an armour of worth or worthiness that completely covers our own worthlessness.

Mike Mason writes :
God's love is, in a sense, the courage to go on living in the face of sin, in the full knowledge of who and what we are. This intolerable knowledge of self must, indeed, be exchanged for knowledge of the Lord, and supremely for the knowledge of His saving power through the love of His son Jesus Christ.

What does this mean for us ?

This is what is means to "put on" Christ : it is to assume His strength and purity and goodness, recognising that we have none of our own. Such an actual transfusion of character is possible only in the depths of loving intimacy with God in Christ.

So, its okay to feel we're not perfect. Our worth is not dependent on how good we are. There is a certain freedom if we accept who we are and be ourselves. Its ok...Be yourself not anyone else =)

God takes pride in you. Learn to take pride in who you are!

Always, always draw ourselves back to the Cross . Jesus Christ and His love is the only thing we all need .

Graham Kendrick wrote this song and may the lyrics be a source of encouragement to us all to continue living this life we have in Jesus!

There is a hope so sure
A promise so secure
The mystery of God
At last made known
Treasures so vast appear
All wisdom, knowledge here
It’s Christ in us
The hope of glory!

And the life that I now live
No longer is my own
Jesus lives in me
The hope of glory
And each day I live
No longer is my own
Jesus lives in me
The hope of glory

There is a life so true
A life of love so pure
For all our sin
A perfect sacrifice
And when that life was nailed
On cruel cross impaled
Our sinful flesh
With him was crucified

There is a life so strong
That a whole world of wrong
And all the powers of hell
Could not defeat
For Jesus rose again
And if we died with him
With him we’ll rise
To share his endless life