Friday, February 04, 2005

A Life Of Prayer

I'm really 100% absolutely convinced that Prayer is not MERELY a vehicle or a tool, neither is it something we do on the side..Prayer is a lifestyle!

The principle behind prayer :

“If there is any focus that the Christian leader of the future will need is the discipline of dwelling in the presence of God….The discipline of contemplative prayer. Through contemplative prayer we can keep ourselves from being pulled from one urgent issue to another and from becoming strangers to our own heart and God’s heart. Contemplative prayer keeps us HOME, ROOTED and SAFE….” (Henri Nouwen)

"Too many Christians view prayer as a ministry resource. Prayer relates to our soul's fulfilment as essential spiritual beings. Even if we do not have personal problems or great ministry needs we ought to pray. For we are first and foremost spiritual beings who NEED GOD..." (Edmund Chan)

A life devoted to prayer is our fuel that keeps us moving...I remember entering Kenny's office at OM and found that his office was a library of wasn't filled with books re : ministry, leadership or missions but the encapsulating feature of his whole office defined his heart for prayer - a deeply rooted life of prayer. I'm currently reading books by E.M Bounds who helps me through very valuable spiritual insights in this whole area - there is a booklet entitled Power through Prayer which is just a couple of pages that can change your perspective. Or if you have more time, get hold of "The Complete Works of EM Bounds on Prayer"...Its a worthwhile investment!

Ok...back to my reading now before I head down to the LSE CU Mission Week Praise Nite this evening. Yup, OCF is goin full force to support them and so are some people from Imperial College. Wow, isn't it great to build the greater house of God together?!

val :P