Thursday, March 13, 2008

Good Conversations

"As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens the other"
~ Proverbs 27 v 17 ~

A good dose of medicine is a good chat with kindred spirits!

Had a good chat with my dear friend and big brother P today. Good to have his refreshing insights to life and ministry, especially so hearing about the recent BTW he just came back from. I guess, one thing he has made me realise is that being PA to the Senior Pastor is very much like he says, being the armour bearer. It took me a while to understand what that meant, until I consulted mr google, and then looked it up in historical terms - where in the army etc what that entailed. Kinda humbled me, that I am honoured and privileged to be able to do the same here for my own pastor - to understand the potential of the role I hold.

Another good chat I had tonight was with S, someone who connects with me and I realise today truly helps me process things bit by bit. It gave me hope. Hope that there is still a place for people like me. Yeah, its important to process things - not rationalise but process. There is a difference. And a good mentor, helps us process! I think the word realignment is healthy, especially when you have trusted friends whom God has placed in your path.

Just on the side, I am thankful that my sis and I have a brilliant relationship. She consults me, the big sister on some of the most important matters of her life (at least I think they are). Guess its exciting to note how God is leading her , and potentially giving her time to serve the Lord overseas too! Alright..go little sister. In my heart, of course, I am hoping she considers some place in Europe as it is nearer me :)

Ah..its the weekend again - and I've got friends visiting from Liverpool. That means, more feasting for me. But I hope to have a meaningful time with them doing meaningful things. Top on my agenda is hopefully, to catch a musical and to drag them to the Star Wars Exhibition in County Hall. Last time I was supposed to catch the Star Wars thing was years ago when it was in Edinburgh and I didn't get to go cos I didn't have enough time. Dinner is scheduled at my uncle's place - yay, I can collect the CNY goodies and my other "surprises"

Maybe, I may drag them Friday midnight shopping to Ikea with me to get my study table. That'll be cheeky!

I'm sounding relax eh...haha :) Good! I know its manic cos of the planning to the Easter Conference, Encounters and work, but God's good - and His strength gives me the impetus to relax and chill!

Have a good weekend!