Friday, October 29, 2004

Youth Training Day 30 October

Please pray for Bert & I as we embark on our first efforts together in taking 2 sessions at a Regional Youth Training Day in Leeds for Youth Leaders who are serving in the Chinese Churches here in the UK.

May the Lord indeed lead us & use us in the way He wants as we communicate His heart for young people to the young people!

Pray for :-
Safe Journey
Strength to last the day
Receptive hearts of people
God led sharing
A good time of learning from each other

I am then off to a Youth Leaders Conference for Youth for Christ(YFC) Leaders nationwide where I am sharing on Understanding Youth Culture; then on Creative Worship. Pls do keep me in prayer as its my first time being so inexperience in this field having to share with people who are so much more experienced cos they are after all Youth Leaders of churches! It will be a busy week leading up to Encounter Weekend on Friday, 5th Nov and I do really value your prayers.


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