Monday, January 24, 2005

Back in London

Tonight, I was reminded of the importance of growing deep in devotion.

I have equated London and perhaps maybe to some extent UK with the word "stress" or "fatigue" lately. Or put it plainly, I'm starting to see a crisis of spirituality in an Age of Fatigue. Am I just referring to myself? Perhaps and perhaps not. I've been chatting with some close friends and I sense that they too would nod in agreement.

“Ours is a tired generation. We live unexamined lives at a frantic pace.
We are stressed by an unresolved past, an unstable present and an
uncertain future. In an attempt to have it all, we have extended
unwarranted courtesy to superficiality and artificiality in our lives….”

This statement is a perfect description of me....

Being still is something I''ve been trying to practice and learn to do - not that easy esp when our mind is still engaging other stuff. Being still and knowing He is God - wow, that's something! If I can't do the first part, I won't be able to experience the 2nd part its its full measure!

As I mentioned previously, its been a somewhat busy season for me since Christmas from one thing to another. Examining my life further, I have understood this : To serve with deep convictions will influence
lives but to serve with lots of commitments can kill us!!! I am not kidding :) To grow deep in devotion is to have deep roots in Christ so that the ALL we do is an overflow of His Spirit working in us.

With the Equipping Weekend/ IDMC coming up, much has been on my heart. Much have I sought the Lord about. Much have I struggled with my own inner fears. Much have I not let go completely to Him. Now, I see clearly with not just physical but spiritual eyes that reasonance God clicked within my heart..."Intentional Disciple Making is the process of bringing people into the right relationship with God, and developing them to full maturity in Christ through intentional growth strategies, that they might multiply the entire process in others also" (Ps Edmund Chan)

A vital take home point that God revealed to me this weekend as I was visiting some friends : -

Intentional Disciplemaking is INFECTIOUS!!

I spent my weekend in a place where I saw infectious people, infected people and withing an infecting church...

It wasn't a mega big church with a thousand strong congregation or ten thousand for that matter but it was a church with a mega intentional disciplemaking vision - that was their heartbeat, their soul, their calling and their aptitude!

How and Why? Because they all cultivated a beautiful heart! I know this because I bore witness to it. Leaders were mentoring and discipling both mature and baby christians and even non christians - that was their way of life :P U know what else is more amazing?? Even the baby christians are discipling others!

And this is what we need to know :

God will use YOU to be a catalyst for revival in this nation, possibly locally first but then beyond ...

Having the right heart takes us to the right places :)

Oops...its pretty late now and I've got to wake up early for a day I'm looking forward to :)

May we always live with the brokenness that the Lord so desires - an appropriate pre-requisite for growing in devotion :)

Grow Deep and Grow Others! Sounds familiar to all you SIB people? That's my church's theme for the year and I'm so glad today to discover that my Senior Pastor is internalising the whole philosophy of Intentional Disciple Making and moving us towards an Intentional DiscipleMaking Church!